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And they call it life…

>> Monday, August 24, 2009

There were times in your life when nothing seemed to be going your way, everything you tried doing ended up in a total mess and everything you talked about wont be heard, that was when you felt as an unwanted creature who never seemed to be of some good to anyone and you thought you were the most deprived person in existence and that everyone else except you have a good and fair share of life and that life has been always more than hard on you Life is hard??Yeah it is because you thought so and you make what you think..You never wanted to work for the better things in life, you just wanted that better thing to come out of nowhere and cut off the blue in your life. You so wanted to be a part of the Happy world without making an effort to be a part of it…and today as you think of all those tiring and sick days of your life, you have this sour realization that you had been nowhere, making absolutely no sense for your words, your acts and that you had lost your sanity in the quest of amiable circumstances. Life will no more be dull and boring if you start taking it as one of the most exciting roller coaster rides during which you sometimes feel sick with the twists and turns but at the end of the ride you’re always happy and satisfied with this feeling that you underwent something really exciting… and start believing that you’re one of you kind and bring out the beauty that exists somewhere in your soul, we fail to see it sometimes but it has always been lying within you, waiting for you to discover it and paint the dull canvas of you life with this beauty.I believe that a person has the ability to mold everything into what he just about believing and trusting yourself,you have to be able to rule yourself,its hard though but you have to somehow bring out the strong person in you,one who can rule you in a good way because there is no reason for you to suffer, you have to rise like a champion against all odds,shine like those stars despite the prevailing darkness and rise like that sun every morning to face the world even though you might not want to do it at times..for the brutality of the pain is not what counts but the dignity and the confidence with which you rise every time you fall is what matters.You have to rise again after every hurdle there ever was because that is what you were taught to do when you were a toddler learning to walk..then why forget you lessons with a single twist in you life? Why not endure everything with patience and tell the world that this obstacle in your life didn’t harm you in anyway and that it just brought out the more refined person in you?? You just need to bring out the positivity in your thoughts consequently all the negativity of this world will just sound like a sweet music, motivating you. We humans are innocent and serene just like those flowers and posses all the beauty they embrace and our hearts are, deep, courageous and pure just like those oceans but our brains can sometimes prove to be a molten lava,if we set it free..So it completely depends upon us as to how we react towards life. Life maybe unfair,but its not the end,make it a fair game with your mindset..Life is beautiful,so are you and youre the most special person existing and you have the courage to beat all the challenges life as in for you as it only challenges those special people who are brave enough to defeat it with all the courage.More than that you are loved by all..not just people but life itself loves you,Love your life,love yourself ,everthing will perfectly fit in your life and all the frustration locked up in your mind will vanish as if it was never there! optimistic to the extent of being called me it feels awesome:)



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